> 2016 Easter Retreat

2016 Easter Retreat

The Easter gathering concluded with the Holy Spirit and the power of the cross and resurrection. On the 27th, Easter service began with sister church, Jubilee, and its member’s praise and worship. They celebrated the resurrection of Jesus and are humbled by His everlasting love revealed with cross for us. Families brought their sons and daughters, friends and neighbors to enjoy this precious time. New visitors came to join and retreat attendees also felt great expectation, because they learned the true meaning of cross.

After praise and worship, Mr. Larry Tharpe prayed for the service and Pastor Emily Ko played a special violin performance offering to God.

Pastor  read scriptures on John 11:1-44. He began with how important the resurrection of Jesus is for Christians.

“If Christ had not been resurrected, Jesus is most miserable person. If Christ had not been resurrected, then what we teach is useless. Why is it like that? It is because everything in this world ends with death. Death has to stop at the tomb, at the grave. It is the last prison we will be held captive in. If the tomb was the end, just as it was for everyone else in this world, if his tomb was the end, then our preaching would be meaningless. Jesus was not imprisoned like everyone else. By resurrecting, he opened up a new world of life. He resurrected and ascended to heaven. And gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

He explained one by one about the story Lazarus and Mary. Facing Lazarus’ death, Mary was met with deep sorrow. Even though Mary loved Jesus so much, she doesn’t believe in this resurrection, only the sorrow left after of death. The power that overcomes death is only in the faith of the resurrection. Also Pastor continued to look deeply on resurrection of Jesus.

“John 20:6-14, There is deep worries and sadness in Mary’s heart. She thought “I lost my Lord. What can I do for him, now” But actually, Jesus resurrected. But she couldn’t recognize him. Last Friday, we looked at the two disciples who went back to their hometown. They were same as Mary. Even though Jesus was with them, they couldn’t recognize him. John 20:13-21, what are the words that resurrected Jesus said? “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you”. His conclusion is mission. We should not stay in middle of sorrow. We have to look at the resurrected Jesus. Though his resurrection, we have eternal life, but we also shouldn’t stop there. We have to spread this news.”

Lastly, he exhorted people to shared this good news of his resurrection and preach this to the world.