Atlanta Bethel Community Church

> Music


True praise pleases God more than offering an ox (Psalm 69:31). Music ministry is dedicated to performing music that praises God, gives glory to His holy name, and worships Him with honor. Worship for Sunday and Wednesday church services starts 15 minutes before service times, so come early with hearts full of thanksgiving to the Lord.

Music ministry fellowship is a place where you can meet other musicians who are in similar situations as you, with the same dreams and hopes of the kingdom of God. Music ministry works towards a goal of recovering our fellowship with God, uniquely fulfilling the will of God in each Christian’s life in comforting God’s people through worship, bringing the good news to lost souls who need the gospel, gaining unique personal experience in a performing arts ministry, and forming a supporting network with local and global artists who share the same passion, dream and faith.

You are always welcome to join the music team if you have musical talents with heart of praising the Lord.

You will be invited for an audition and to hear the vision of the Worship team.