> Cooking Classes @ Bethel

Cooking Classes @ Bethel

Place: Atlanta Bethel Community Church (953 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Atlanta GA 30314)

Time and date: Nov. 18th @ 11am( We open the place 10:30, come early to have coffee/tea time)

Instructor: ‘Mama’ Cindy

Fee: $5 for each session, it covers everything!

Contact: (404) 247-3243 (text first please)

Do you like Asian food? Do you want to learn how to cook Asian inspired food? Do you love to bond over great food while making even greater friends?

Once a month, we will make simple, healthy and super delicious food together.
From snack to event food; vegetarian to healthy meat cooking; one by one, we will learn a variety of dishes.
Anyone can join! Ingredients will be ready at the location.
You can bring your kiddos and they can help (if they are big enough) or play in the children’s playroom.
We open the church for ‘Coffee and Talk’ 30 minutes before class, so please come by for that.