> Atlanta Bethel Community Church Welcomes 11 New Visitors

Atlanta Bethel Community Church Welcomes 11 New Visitors

Atlanta Bethel Community Church welcomes 11 new visitors on April 17th, Sunday service.

Larry brought two boys’ mother and another family with two daughters. Erika also came with friend’s family and other friends. Two students joined service for the first time invited by ministers. Attendees listened message carefully and joined fellowship sharing love and grace.

Pastor  delivered message titled “Now we are all here in the presence of God”, scripture Acts 10:23~35. In the beginning, he explained background of this scene. Peter meet Cornelius by prayers. With saying on Acts 10:2 and 31, he proclaimed how important prayer are.

“There must have been so many people there but Cornelius was the one who was called. But among the gentiles, we see a Roman centurion being chosen by God. He always prayed to God. Cornelius prays. Everyone, I hope that you can know this one fact that God listens to all our prayers. He listens to every single one. Not only does he listen to our prayers, but God responds to them.”

Pastor continued message and shared a story that how we meet one family here by prayers. For Pamela, church prayed for souls who are thirsty and looking for church, and her sister, Patricia also prayed a lot for her family in Atlanta to restart church life. By this prayers, God prepared the meeting during evangelism and they become one of the registered family.

He concluded message to exhort attendees in service to pray and have faith

After service, all new visitors were welcomed and shared grace through message and lives. Rodney prepared meal for church. He bought ingredients and cooked and everyone enjoyed a lot. Stephanie, boys’ mother volunteered to cook with him coming Saturday for Sunday. Sandra, who started to come church everyday helped to set up table and wash dish.

Young group also had great time with YEF leader Danielle. As like message, she and church prayed for students and both of them are GSU students.