Romans 6:3-14
The message emphasized the believer and how we were once in sin, but now freed from the power of death via Jesus who took the cross. Romans 6 re-emphasis this from earlier in the book. Like a soldier needs to know the situation, we must know the war is over.
The situation for the church in Rome wasn’t this unwinnable(by their own power) war anymore, It wasn’t persecution either, but the atmosphere was so sinful around these believers in Rome- Adultery, prostitution, homosexuality and with Kids. There was so much depravity everywhere. But Paul, he never stopped proclaiming the good news. The members all grew in better understanding of knowing their status, cleansed by the word, and only having to wash their feet. The only fight we as believers have left is cleanup duty. One member said, ” We should be on watch, but know it’s the winnable battle since Jesus took on the huge battle that was impossible for us”. Knowing this will help them be more like Paul, who boldly, preached the Kingdom of God and Jesus. These two were the only hope then and only hope of this corrupted world today.
Danielle shared, “People take it for granted, lack understanding of what it means to be saved. It took me a long time to understand this myself; how it changed my identity, who I am in God’s eyes. I am a child of God, he loves me, that’s all that matters. Knowing this changed my life.
I like the comparison of Joseph and Jesus. I wondered what Josephs death was. He never lost faith in God through his ordeal, he denied any of the human desires you’d expect him to indulge. And through this whole situation, he saved his whole family, the world at the time, like Jesus.”
Michael concluded sharing time by saying, “The chains are gone, but I often hold onto what used to enslave me. All I have to do is let go and move on. The massive battle ended on the cross and in that cave where Jesus rose. Now I can go on with confidence. This is what we all must do, let go of the chains of the past and grab on to Jesus as slaves to righteousness.”