> Atlanta Bethel Community Church had wonderful Korean Culture Day event

Atlanta Bethel Community Church had wonderful Korean Culture Day event

Atlanta Bethel Community Church had graceful Sunday service with 25 attendees and Korean Culture Day event afterward. 3 new visitors joined service and many more for the culture day events. Members helped a lot to host visitors and guest and made everything together joyfully.

Pastor delivered a message from Luke 24:13-35, titled ‘The Lord has risen and has appeared’. It was early Easter service because ministers will join Easter Retreat and mission conference next week. The pastor invited everyone to look the path to Emmaus which disciples had walked after Jesus’ cross. They were in despair and hopeless because they didn’t deeply understand the meaning of cross and resurrection. Even resurrected Jesus was walking with them, but they didn’t recognize him.

He delivered a message on the true meaning of cross and resurrection, the gospel, and encouraged to be lowered themselves and serving to recognize him all the time. All members were so impressed to learn that changes of disciples after realizing this. And decided to know the true meaning of Easter.

As the wrapped up fellowship, members helped to prepare ‘Korean Culture Day’. Vanessa welcomed new people and presided the whole event, minister Michael Ford delivered 5 minutes message of the gospel.

Blue Sky team performed beautiful traditional dance, body worship, Nanta(Drumming) and raffle and gits. Brianna offered her body worship for the intermission and pastor’s friend’s kids played cellos and violin.

After the event, everyone was invited to Korean snack fellowship. It was a fun and exciting day to see not only performance but also members and new visitors united in church. Pray for the growth of the church.