> Prayer Meeting Exhorts to Pray with Trust and Have Obedient Hearts to God’s Word

Prayer Meeting Exhorts to Pray with Trust and Have Obedient Hearts to God’s Word

Minister Michael John Ford continues the tradition of Fridat preaching before united prayer in Atlanta with a message that advocated trusting God’s word, not ours in prayer.
Starting from the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 5:2, Michael preached ” These words of Solomon, they’re sound direction. Jesus taught on the mount

The Lord knows our needs deeper than we do. So when Solomon says let your words be few- he means your words. Who can pray? The one who has faith. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. The Bible teaches us this. But it also teaches us that there is none righteous, not even one. Is the bible contradictory? No. We reconcile these scriptures with Paul’s words in Romans 10:4, Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.”

He went on to say that the trusting believer prays, and the praying believer obeys because this is our only access to righteousness. The church began prayer following the message with a more desirous heart for the spirit of truth to help them via the written word of God.

Many things were brought to God, from the most popular prayer topic for college students( Finals), to the upcoming Atlanta mission conference that will focus on ministry development of the first quarter and sharing goals and plans for this one.

Keep Atlanta in your prayers as the mix of seasoned ministers and growing leaders merge well their hearts in great unity in the spirit.