Welcome to Atlanta Bethel Community Church Bible Study.

Please feel free to download our Bible Study App “ichurchlife” from App store to start your own Bible study.                            

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  1. Skip Login: You can access to some basic Bible studies without signup the App.
  2. Signup: Receive the invitation code by sending your email address to info@atlantabethel.org or texting a message with your email address to Pastor Thomas @ 470 424 3529.
  3. Login: After the first time login, please enter Church ID: 3645

Bible Study Program

  1. You will start from Basic Bible Study Program. Each time once you finish one Bible study, please send your reflection back to info@atlantabethel.org
  2. Pastor Thomas will contact you to share reflection together once a week. We will use this online meeting room to share reflection: https://www.gotomeet.me/atlantabethelcommunitychurch
  3. Once you finish one level Bible study, you will be granted authority to access to the next level Bible study

Note: The systematic Bible study program will cover the four themes of whole Bible including: Creation, Fall, Salvation and the Kingdom of God. God bless you!

Contact info:
Pastor Thomas Wang
Email: info@atlantabethel.org
Phone: +1 470 424 3529

Submit your email address here to receive an invitation code: