For Sunday service, Pastor spoke on John 5:1-9. This is the scene where Jesus heals the lame man at the pool in Bethesda. The message was about the three spiritual sicknesses that people can have: the blind, the lame, and the paralyzed. Lameness is a sickness of will. These are the people that say they want to do something but don’t. Or they start something and don’t finish.
The world is full of people with these spiritual circumstances. The five colonnades represent the 5 books of the law and the five communities that teach the law. The pool represents conditional healing. There are still many people looking to the law and to conditional healing. These cannot heal them, only through Jesus can they be healed.
After service the attendees shared what they learned from the message. Many felt they could identify with the lame man as their spiritual circumstance. One member shared, “Sometimes for me god will tell me to do something and I don’t want to do it or its not my comfort zone so I start it but then I lose heart. But the man obeyed God and was healed. So that’s what I’m aiming for. Instead of saying ‘Well I tried and I failed.'”
There were two new attendees at the service, Tyana Singleton and Tawonga Muyila. Both attend Georgia State University and heard about the church through campus evangelism.
Please pray for Atlanta Bethel Church members and new attendees.