> Cleaning Day at Bethel

Cleaning Day at Bethel

On Saturday November 4th,

Atlanta Bethel members spent the day deep-cleaning the church. Before beginning, they prayed together for humble and eager hearts to clean God’s house the best they can and prepare for Sunday service the next day. What began as an only two hour affair quickly turned into four hours of cleaning and reorganizing things within the church. Even the young commitment members, Adriane and Kiara, got into the spirit of cleaning as best as they could.

Each member worked hard to clean every spot as their worship to God. Even brand new cleaning supplies and equipment were bought for the purpose of cleaning their church. By the end of their cleaning everyone was tired, but filled with joy at how clean the church looked and smelled. After cleaning, they ate dinner and fellowshipped together. Everyone went home content, tired and ready for Sunday service the next day.