> Final Class for Kids Arts and Crafts

Final Class for Kids Arts and Crafts

For this, two teachers volunteered, Danielle White, Atlanta YEF leader and Design school student then Mrs. Joanne Choi, ministers’ friend and also a specialized teacher for Sunday school. Almost every time, Tiombe’s 3 kids-Kayora, Kareem and K’den joined as well as pastor’s kids and Mrs. Choi’s kids. Sometimes there were new kids or family. Ministers always welcome kids and try to show love of Jesus for kids.

At the last class, Mrs. Choi made ‘Father’s Day Card’ and ‘Piggie Toy’ then played one game. Every kid was so excited while mothers had a good conversation over kids, church and life.

Mrs. Choi shared, “It was great opportunity for me to serve this time with my small talents. I believe Atlanta Bethel Community Church is in mission field. Whenever I bring my kids to here, they learn precious message by just coming. I’ll help any kids related program as much as I can.”

Cindy also said “We learned many things through this program. I can see vision and dream of God for this community through the next generation. I hope we can serve more for young people with love of God. Through this experience, we pray to open VBS for summer.”

Please keep praying for Atlanta’s kids’ ministry.