Atlanta Bethel Community Church had graceful Sunday service on Feb. 25th. Pastor delivered message on John 13, continuing from last week until Easter Sunday. Church greeted 2 new visitors and celebrated one member’s birthday.
Pastor brought out John 13:1-17 about ‘Last Supper’ and ‘Jesus washing his disciples’ feet’. It was the last encouragement for Judas and lowering himself before his disciples.
He explained the situation at the last supper and continued “The way of cross, the way of suffering is determined. Pain, sorrow and tears are determined. Judas decided to sell his teach. Satan had prompted Judas. If you look at this scene, Jesus poured water into a basin and wash his disciples’ feet. It is really beautiful scene. The Lord of love, The son of God loved his disciples to the end. He served them. He teach them humbleness and the way of serving. It is very beautiful but also very sad scene.”
Pastor emphasized many times the view point of Jesus that was totally different from the world. It is self lowering, the stronger serving the weak, the higher serving the lower. Then he concluded sermon saying “You might commit sin with your feet again. Because you are walking in this sinful world. You are not perfect yet. You are so weak. So you have to wash always. You have to walk through sanctification. But you should not be bounded with the past that is done already. When you died on the cross with Jesus, past me was already dead. Remember this. You are already washed. No need to bath again. You were saved already then you have to live following this grace.”
After service, there was deep fellowship and sharing time. Even new visitor, David Praise enjoyed good time with other members and decided to continue bible study with minister Michael Ford.
During the fellowship meal, church prepared and celebrated Ms. Tiombe’s 45th birthday. She always likes to serve church and brings her 3 beautiful kids to church. She is very busy as a single mom and full time work, she tries to church Sunday and events as much as she can. She was thankful for this great time in church.