> Kids’ Crafts Time This Month

Kids’ Crafts Time This Month

This month’s Kids’ Crafts Time was so much fun for the visiting youngsters! With Mrs. Choi’s direction, the kids helped create a large forest together on big sheets of paper. Some kids drew big trees, flowers,and the sun and other kids drew their own small forest. All of the forest drawings made the mothers smile!

Mrs. Choi wanted kids to express themselves freely. They did this so that their parents or guardians can understand what they are thinking, their worries or inner character through their drawings. Kids also cooperated with other kids to make one picture.

Atlanta Bethel Community Church offers monthly free Kids’ Crafts Time for members and neighbor kids. Mrs. Choi, specialized in the Kids’ Ministry and volunteers to oversee this program. This school year’s session will end in May to make way for Vacation Bible School or a summer event in July.

Next  and final Kids’ Crafts Time is on April 22nd at 11am! Don’t miss it!