> Pentecost Retreat Commenced Powerfully

Pentecost Retreat Commenced Powerfully

Southeast Region 3 days Pentecost Retreat commenced on May 18th at Atlanta Bethel Community Church. Atlanta, Nashville and Houston church joined this time.
Pastor Nathanael Lee from Nashville delivered message in the opening service. He preached on the meaning of Pentecost and how to prepare ourselves for this time. It was enough to open attendees’ hearts and gave a lot of expectations for this time.

Anu led ‘Ice Breaking’ games. Everyone could know each other and had fun. Danielle and Haley prepared dinner to serve members. It seemed like huge family gathering. They shared delicious food, talked and laughed a lot. Even visitors invited by Atlanta Church emerged smoothly.

Prayer meeting was held lastly. Minister Hyunhee Park led this time. She shared message and testimony from Romans 8:26-27. She said about her first moment to receive the Holy Spirit and how prayer works in her life and ministry. She also testified the hard time to pray she’s went through.

Hyunhee said “Yes, there are times we cannot pray. But never forget. Like the scripture says, in the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. We don’t know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. He also searches our hearts knows the mind of Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. He really listens every prayer I say to him and answers in every way.

‘In the same way’. What does it mean? If you read verse 18 to 25th, Paul is talking about our Present suffering and future Glory. We already received salvation by His grace and mercy, but not yet His Kingdom come on earth. We should to be patient in hope. Please be patient while you are walking the path of sanctification until we will be glorified in His Kingdom. Don’t worry. Just pray. Come to him in any situation and any time. He is listening to you very carefully.”

They all prayed together with one prayer topic a time; Repentance, For His Kingdom and Righteousness, Church and Ministers, Revival of Church, Leaders, Brothers and Sisters then my needs. It was filled with Holy Spirit and many shared answers from God.

Please pray for Southeast Region Retreat will be filled with Holy Spirit.