> Pentecost Retreat concluded in the grace of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost Retreat concluded in the grace of the Holy Spirit

Southeast Region Pentecost Retreat held from June 8-9th, 2019 in Nashville Jubilee Church. Atlanta Bethel Community Church ministers and members traveled Friday night with expecting hearts.

In the opening service, Pastor Nathaniel Lee delivered message from John 21:15-19. He brought this message to teach on the restoration of Peter. First pastor Lee explained about the background and situation over the reason why Peter disowned Jesus 3 times. Then how Jesus came to him first and reinstated him with ‘Agape’ love. Pastor encouraged all attendees to restore this unconditional relationship with Jesus through this retreat.

Bible Study 1 on Acts 1 was continued by Pastor Anderson Kim. He preached very deeply and detail what had happened in the early church before they received the Holy Spirit. He taught on how to understand Jesus’ ascension and his coming back in our journey of faith.

“Two things they had been doing before the Holy Spirit comes down. First, they gathered then second, they prayed in one heart. Our church is the church to gather and pray. Fellowship and having fun within faith are very important I believe. But the most and the first thing to do in church is praying. We gathered to meditate the message and pray during this retreat.”

All had really good lunch then had short break visiting one of Nashville’s land mark.

Bible Study 2 on Acts 2 was followed in the evening. Pastor Nathaniel Lee preached on the meaning of the Holy Spirit which poured down on the first church. He encouraged members to seek this earnestly.

Southeast Region Pentecost Retreat was concluded with the passionate heart to be the disciples of Jesus in the grace of the Holy Spirit.

On Pentecost Sunday June 9th, leading by the praise team with Nashville Jubilee Church and Atlanta Bethel Community Church, attendees opened their hearts to receive the word of God.

Pastor Anderson Kim delivered message from Matthew 4:18-22, titled ‘I will send out to fish for people’.

“This is a message about discipleship. We always receive a lot of grace through retreat. This time, we meditated the book of Acts 1,2 and about early church. We learned about what does Pentecost mean? Then what is the next step that we have to walk? It is that we have to become a disciple of Jesus. Pentecost is a day of beginning of church. It is a day that disciples began to spread the gospel to the end of the world with the Holy Spirit. Then we have to continue this movement of the Holy Spirit. We should continue the era of post Acts. I believe you all receive a grace of the Holy Spirit through this time. And Holy Spirit will be with you all the time and give you more grace. Now, what we need to do is spread this grace and love” he began and continued to explain about his call for 4 disciples and the community of David’s 400 men gathered in Adullam.

Pastor Kim said “Jesus showed us the life of emptying himself and love. He carried the cross for the enemy. He gave up everything for us. Through his life, he showed us true love of God. He said, follow me. We also have to show his love through our life. Can you do that? To follow him, we need a sacrifice of burnt offering of Issac. It could be your family, reputation, your dream, your school, your money. It is something you love more than God. To follow him, can you give up that? Jesus asks you give up that. It is not because he needs that. He wants you love God more than anything. With viewpoint of this world, you can’t understand this. You could misunderstand. You could think ‘Isn’t it too much?’ But I can say. Yes, we need that. You have to give up that. If you don’t give up, you will go back to sinful life. When Jesus called 4 fishermen, what did they do? They left their nets and left the boat and their father. Do you think, it was easy for them? The nets were their most precious thing. They would rather choose to die than give it up.”

Lastly he concluded message for attendees to follow this image of disciples with absolute and immediate obedience to be the true disciples of Jesus.